With the simultaneous production of electricity and hydrogen; Design of a Hybrid Battery that will be Charged in a Matter of Seconds

سیاسی 2018-08-15
With the simultaneous production of electricity and hydrogen;                Design of a Hybrid Battery that will be Charged in a Matter of Seconds
The world of the future will be conquered by cars while electricity and hydrogen will be the main source of their energy supply, and therefore the production of batteries that can supply these two types of energy is vital.
Researchers at the University of Glasgow, for the first time have been able to design a hybrid battery capable of producing two types of energy, namely, electrical energy and hydrogen energy, by using a suspended nanomolecule in a liquid, according to Meat News needs.
Another amazing advantage of this battery is that it requires only a few seconds or a few hours to charge, which greatly increases the likelihood of using electric and hydrogen vehicles.
Chemical engineers have been attempting to produce such batteries over the past few years, which will be both fast-charging and capable of meeting the various needs of electric and hydrogen vehicles.
The battery is composed of two reservoirs filled with a fluid fluid, in which there are two electrodes, and a crust located between the two electrodes which allows exchanging the yen between the two liquids and generating electricity.
Charging and multi-sensing of this battery by emptying the liquid that was previously used and replacing the fresh liquid may occur, and each of the nanoseconds in this battery will act like a small battery.
It's not clear when this battery will be introduced and available to the public.


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