Car Wash

سیاسی 2018-04-04
Car Wash is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to clean it. Just take a pocket, charge and wait for half an hour ...... After half an hour you get a glossy machine and you enjoy it for at least 2 weeks, but this pleasure is not always pleasant. It's enough to change the air slightly, until the morning after the car wash, you have a car full of glare and that brightness is lost. It's better to know the ways to always and always have a clean and bright car.

1- Hair conditioner for electric car
Wash your car with a lanolin hair conditioner. This material brings a lot of shine to the body of the car, and it's interesting to repel the rain and rain does not cause it to stain.
2. Clean the windshield with a soft drink
When it rains, the windshield will turn into a real trouble. You can use black beverages to wash and clean the stains of this glass. To avoid the color of the hood, put a towel on the border between the hood and the glass so the beverage does not go down. Squirrel bubbles kill germs. After this, remove the viscous soda completely from the glass. Otherwise, dust and contaminations will be much faster than the glass.
3- Car wash lights
Clean the glass and plastic soles of the car's front lights and ensure your safety.
4. Clean the glass in one step
Clean the car's windshields with a soft towel for children.
5. Cleaning the snow plows
If the edges of the windshield wiper are dirty, it will further contaminate the glass instead of cleaning the glass. To clean them, ¼ cup of ammonia dissolve in a quarter of a glass of cold water. Raise the edges of the wiper softer and apply it to either side with a towel or soft cloth. Then wipe them off with a clean cloth and put them back in place.
6. Electric front windscreens
¼ cup of ammonia dissolve in a quarter of a glass of cold water, pour it into a plastic bottle with a solid lid. Keep it cleaned for car windows and windows. Whenever the glass is contaminated, pour the solution onto the sponge and clean the window, then dry it with a soft, dry cloth.
7. Glossing tires with soft drinks and hair conditioners
Mix half a soft drink with ¼ modulus of hair conditioning and dry it with a dry brush, then dry it.
8-Sweetening Car Cleaner
¼ cup boiling water in a gallon, then add ¼ cup dishwashing liquid and fill the gallon with a lipstick. Close the gallon and stir it and keep it for later use. When washing the car, thoroughly mix the gallon and mix one glass of it with two gallons of warm water. And then use it to clean the car body.
9. Clean the car flower
In places where there is a lot of mud and mud, the glass and body of the car are greasy and dirty. To eliminate these contaminants, use potassium nitrate cream for car windscreens. Then rinse the glass with diluted water and then rinse thoroughly and dry.
10-No rinse and wax
Pour a kernel in a 3 gallon water bottle and spray it onto the body of the machine. With this solution you do not need to wet the car before washing, or even after it does not need to rinse or vacuum the machine. After this, every time it rains, rain grains are emitted from the surface of the body and do not cause dirt.

11-Freshness of the car with coffee
Pour uncooked beans into a grid and sprinkle on the seeds with your favorite perfume and colognes. The flavor of your favorite coffee and perfume is the best perfume for the car. If your scent is oily, you get a better result.
12. Take care of the heat
Do not drive your car when it's hot - that is, right after driving a car that has not cooled down, or when it is directly under the sunlight and its body is warm, because the sponge does not stick on it and the contamination stays on it. .
13. Do not let yourself dry
If you let the car itself dry, the water stains on the body and all your troubles will be wasted. Use a towel or soft cloth to remove excess water from the washer.
At the end, it's worth mentioning that if you have 10 minutes to clean your car every day. Your vehicle will never be dirty.


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