Important Notes on Car Battery Maintenance

سیاسی 2018-04-04
So far, it has come to you that your car suddenly turns off while driving, and the car does not turn on when you start? You look at the car's fuel marker, which indicates that there is enough gas in the car's tank. However, whatever turns the car's key on the switch, no sound is heard about the engine's ignition. In this case, the first thought that comes to the mind of any automobile expert is a battery failure.

In such cases, the only solution to re-launch a vehicle is battery power that can solve the problem, but it's a temporary solution and you have to replace the car battery. However, technical defects in vehicle parts over time are a common issue, but experts believe there are many ways to prevent some parts from damaging, which requires good maintenance of the car.
The battery is also one of the parts that requires a lot of attention from the driver, because the health of the electric vehicle depends on the piece, the part that is responsible for the power supply of the car, so maintenance can add to the life of this piece and you According to experts, the battery is one of the pieces that stores electrical energy through chemical interactions so that it can be used as needed. So one of the symptoms of battery failure is that the battery can not start the startup when it starts up. Another sign is the subsequent slowdown of battery life.
The third sign is battery sweeping, which lets you know about battery life if you control these three issues. Experts also suggest a way to test the battery, open the door of the battery and connect it with a relatively thick two-pole battery, if the water boils in each of the battery houses, that house is damaged and must The pages inside that home will change, and as this (switching pages) is not done in principle, the battery should be replaced.
Another important issue is the recognition of the vehicle's battery type. As the experts say, there are two types of batteries for automobiles, "more" batteries, or acid batteries that are in the category of old batteries, and atomic batteries or solar cell batteries, which are used today. One technical expert says that one way to detect a failure in The atomic battery is a warning light embedded in the back of the steering wheel. If the green light of this lamp is off, the battery life will be completed. Acid batteries also contain lead plates inside because of corrosion over time, so the battery is swollen and rusty, which indicates a battery failure.
But to better understand the health of your car battery, you can control the level of electrolyte or battery water. The amount of battery water in the battery compartment should be 10 to 15 mm higher than the lead plate, otherwise it needs to be addressed. Another important thing is to always pay attention to the droplets below the car, because these droplets may be related to your car battery, which in this case indicates a car battery leak. These acid drops can corrode and damage the car's parts. Another important point in the "more" batteries is that if the battery needs water, you should add distilled water to it.


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